John Neumann (JN), Luke Hoban (LH), Rick Hudson (RH), Allen Wirfs-Brock (AWB), Yehuda Katz (YK), Anne van Kesteren (AVK), Jeff Morrison (JM), Sebastian Markbåge (SM), Alex Russell (AR), István Sebestyén (IS), Mark S. Miller (MM), Norbert Lindenberg (NL), Erik Arvidsson (EA), Waldemar Horwat (WH), Eric Ferraiuolo (EF), Matt Sweeney (MS), Doug Crockford (DC), Rick Waldron (RW), Rafeal Weinstein (RWN), Dmitry Lomov (DL), Brendan Eich (BE), Ian Halliday (IH), Paul Leathers (PL),
(Allen Wirfs-Brock)
AWB: Currently, only var and function have any rules: non-strict is not
YK: Reduce the refactoring hazards
MM: What happens in arrows?
EA: Formal params follow the strict rules (no duplicates, no param named arguments etc), but the bodies are not strict.
RW/BE: Confirm
AWB: If someone writes...
class eval {}
And later moves this to a module...
module "foo" {class eval {}}
This will blow up
RW: But the same issue exists if:
function eval() {}
And later moves this to a module...
module "foo" {function eval() {}}
MM, WH: We need to make sure that whatever rule we decide on, is the simplest and easiest to remember
BE: Recall the issue of micro-modes
BE: Based on the decision make Arrows non-strict, the same reasoning applies to params
EA: Strict formal parameters are an early error, strict function body have different runtime semantics so those are a refactorig hazard.
AWB: The spec draft uses StrictFormalParameter for ArrowFunction and MethodDefinition.
YK: Easy to get sanity, by opting into modules and classes
RW: The January notes include rationale regarding the boundary of module and class, but not arrow, there is no note about arrow params being implicitly strict mode
AWB: method names in sloppy mode (object literals) do not allow duplicat names.
YK: Seems OK. ... Code may exist that has methods called "eval" or duplicate params named "_"
LH: Agrees that these rules should be applied where code opts-in, not by layered addition of language features
MM: Agrees with LH, in terms of the memory burden (developer end). This wont be clear to anyone but us.
BE/RW: Yes
Various: explored the consequences of allowing duplicate method parameters even in new-style parameter lists when in non-strict mode. That would be the simplest rule, but it would cause too many edge cases for duplicate parameter names in destructuring, rest parameters, etc., so we all agreed not to pursue that approach.
AWB: The rule that we agreed on, in that past is that when new syntax forms are involved.
MM: We need to lower the memory burden
EA: This is going to make it greater
MM: Defending exception for new forms of parameter list.
AWB: More complex set of rules if you allow multiple names in simple parameter lists.
MM: That's more complex
(Allen Wirfs-Brock, originally proposed by Doug Crockford?)
AWB: What is the value of MAX_INTEGER
WH; Whatever the largest finite double
DC: But there are two
WH: But I said "double"
DC: That's ambiguous
WH: No
MM: WH is not constraining to the contiguous range.
WH: If you want 2^53, call it something else
MM: Likewise with isInteger ...Propose:
After 2^53, you can add 2
WH: Alternate proposal:
MM: Gives history of "isSafeInteger"
Caja had a Nat test that tested that a number was a primitive integer within the range of continguously representable non-negative integers. I used Nat in a small piece of security critical code, to ensure I was doing accurate integer addition and subtraction. Because I was using this definition, Nat admitted 2^53. This introduced a security hole, which escaped notice in a highly examined piece of code which has been published several times and has been the subject of several exercises to do machine checked proofs of some security properties. Despite all this attention and examination, no one caught the vulnerability caused by admitting 2^53. By excluding 2^53, we have the nice invariant that if
isSafeInteger(a) isSafeInteger(b) isSafeInteger(a+b)
are all true, then (a+b) is an accurate sum of a and b.
DC: Want to call this Integer
WH: Can't call this integer. 2^54 is an integer, just not inside of the contiguous range. Like the concept, but not ok to name it "isInteger", as 2^100 also happens to be an integer.
BE: Agrees with Mark's "Safe"
YK: Easy to explain that Integers outside of the range
AWB: Current spec checks for mathematical integer
...toInteger makes use of internal ToInteger
MM: Makes sure there is no fractional part?
WH: Yes
WH: If we have toInteger, then we need isInteger or isSafeInteger
isInteger isSafeInteger
WH: The only place where ToInteger is divergent is +/-Infinity
WH: We already have Math.trunc, which does the same thing as ToInteger would. Don't need Number.toInteger.
WH/AWB: Is an instance operation.
WH: If it's on Math.clz(), it will return the wrong answer if we have different value objects in the future
WH: In particular, this specifies that the value is 32 bits wide, which makes it inappropriate as something in Math. Consider what happens if we add a uint64 type. Then we'd want Uint64.clz to count starting from the 64th bit instead of from the 32nd bit. We can do that if it's Uint64.clz. We can't (without creating weirdness) if we use Math.clz for both.
AWB: Then it belongs on the instance side.
Any objections?
AWB: What about the following:
Remove Number.toInteger (already exists as Math.trunc)
(Allen Wirfs-Brock)
AWB: Previously, we've discussed setting data properties as {writable: false, configurable: true}
One of these built in properties that discussed is the length property of function
MM: Points about function properties, eg. the prototype property
EA: Classes are a constructor and the prototype, can't use function for the argument to how classes behave
MM: Don't think this is a question that should be addressed for ES6, it's too late.
AWB: Not too late, we've discussed this
AWB: The "prototype" property of the class constructor object is configurable, non-writable
AWB: {writable: false, configurable: true} allows enough control
EA: We also discussed this for methods
YK: This is part of the refactoring hazard I mentioned earlier.
MM: Don't want to consider a change of that magnitude this late in the game
AWB: All of the existing properties from ES5, should we address the whole list?
When define a class:
AWB: Foo.prototype.constructor property {writable: false, configurable: true}?
MM: This hazard:
function Bar() {}prototype = create(prototype);prototypeconstructor = ;
Code that exists like this, once Foo gets refactored to a class, if constructor is non-writable, the above breaks.
AWB: @@create
MM: With regard to and function.length and making them "tamper resistant", but mucking around with the built-in prototype chain has unknown implications and it could be addressed in ES7.
This change allows the actual Array.prototype to be changed.
WH: When does @@create get called?
AWB: when new
is used.
{writable: false, configurable: true}?
Discussion joint meeting with W3C at TPAC, Nov 11-15, in Shenzhen, China.
(Allen Wirfs-Brock)
EA: There is discontent that there isn't private state. Symbols don't cover this. Unique Strings solve the uniqueness case
Proposal: Postpone Symbols to ES7
BE: The reason we separated private and unique was exposure in Reflection modules
YK: You don't need unique symbols when you can just expose private symbols.
MM: The @@iterator symbol must be transitively immutable
In the relationships case, the WeakMap
BE: There are classes that outlive any instances
Why can't we just have (private) Symbols
MM: Two subsystems that aren't supposed to be able to communicate with each other should be able to share anything that is transitively immutable.
BE: Can we unwind the split between private and unique?
YK: (fill this in)
AWB: We deferred private symbols
Private state should not be mixed up with Private Symbols
Symbols are guaranteed uniqueness, wrong way to go for private state.
BE: We aren't going to resolve this now, need to take it to es-discuss
AWB: For the spec, how do I spec Symbols?
Strings won't guarantee
MM/BE: (quick discussion about uuid strings)
WH: What you're saying is that we need a gensym?
AWB: Essentially, what we need is a gensym
BE: Andreas implemented Symbol
AWB: Dug in against wrapper objects for Symbols
(did someone catch this one)?
Unique objects, unforgeable, can't set or access properties. Are actually objects.
BE: ARB says that v8 internal architecture makes it hard to add new
(Allen Wirfs-Brock)
AWB: recapping @@create changes...
new (...args);
Essentially breaks down to:
[[]] =>let obj = [@@create]();return [[]](obj ...args);
YK: This means that [[Construct]] will always call [[Call]].
AWB: The way the built-ins work, override @@create, eg. Date, creates a private data slot for the time
function String(value) {if (!(this has an unitialized instance)) {return "" + value;}thisvalue = "" + value}[@@create] => { value: uninitialized instance }
WH: Disapproves having String when called as a function do different things based on this. This breaks the invariant that String(x) always returns a primitive string.
WH, MM: Also concerned about adding a new uninitialized String instance type as a specing helper but which becomes reified and user-visible. Someone could call String's @@create directly, obtain one of these values, and cause mayhem. Too much surface area of potential problems here, and this is unnecessary complexity.
YK: Objects to removal [[Construct]]
AWB: A Proxy trap?
BE/YK: Keep
(Allen Wirfs-Brock)
AWB: In ES6, with class, it will be an anti-pattern... Don't call without "new"
BE: This is style/convention
Promote the use of new
with classes
MM: Might want a constructor to refuse to initialize an instance of that class if the call object is not the
EA: Three browsers have implemented Map, Set, WeakMap, WeakSet and all are allowed to be called without new
, which breaks subclassing
General agreement that this is bad.
AWB/MM: Function.prototype.@@construct
MM: If it implies runtime overhead that is not easily optimized, that would be a perfectly valid argument against. Does it?
In general, wherever we can replace a [[Foo]] internal property with an @@foo unique symbol named property, without penalty, we should. Especially if proxies would otherwise need a special trap for [[Foo]].
YK: Need to be careful when we change the MOP since other specs refers to the mop methods.
Any objections to sending the JSON draft 7 version to the general assembly
DC: Made changes. Specifiy code point. Removed summary of grammar. It was redundant. As well as the whitespace issue.
JN: Send proposal to ???. If you don't reply to this thread then it is an implicit approval.
(Rafael Weinstein)
RWN: (A single slide) How does ES inegrate with the rest of the specified environment with regard to scheduling tasks.
Enqueue A Task
The environment must run the task at some point in the future
The task must be run after all previous enqueued tasks
The task must be run on an empty stack.
Enqueue A Microtask
The environment must run the microtask at some point in the future
The microtask must be run before all previously enqueued tasks
The microtask must be run after all previously enqueued microtasks
The microtask must be run on an empty stack
WH: Note that this defines a total order.
MM: We need to decide how tasks or microtasks that originate from EcmaScript behave
MM: No nested event loop?
General agreement that the ES spec not support nested event loops. If the browser specs require them, i.e., for running JS code while a modal dialog is blocked, then the browser specs would need to state that this is an intended violation of the ES event loop model.
YK: Timing is another issue
MM: Promise scheduling, fifo
Discussion re: the host vs.
w3c bug...
(Brendan Eich) ValueObjects.pdf
Use Cases:
Overloadable Operators
Preserving Boolean Algebra
... Too fast, request slides.
"complex and rational cannot be composed to make ratplex"
AVK: Multiple globals will cause issues.
BE: That is not an issue with this proposal. It is an issue with multiple globals. ... we need literal syntax for readability. ... no solution for user defined literal suffixes.
BE: Some have requested mutable value objects in order to represent small tuples and be able to do updates on them in a loop.
WH: This no more requires value objects to be mutable than incrementing a loop counter requires integers to be mutable. It's the variable that holds the integer 3 that's mutable and an be changed to refer to a different integer; you can't change the integer 3 itself to be 5. If the value is a small tuple and the source and destination are the same, it's easy enough for a compiler to transform a functional-style tuple update into imperative code if it likes.
WH, MM: Don't want mutable number literals/objects. No new Float32x4(a, b, c, d)
. This would break === (which would then need to do identity matching instead of same-value matching).
typeof x == typeof y && x == y<=>x === y0m === 00 == 00m == 0
BE: typeof become advisory
AWB: You can register typeof result once during registration. That way we can enforce that it does not changes.
(Rick Hudson) ...need slides
RH: We have to go parallel to keep up with other langauages
YK: Don't want to fallback into sequential
Various: Debate about what happens when the parallel computations have side effects that introduce dependencies between them. Options are either devolving into sequential computation or throwing an exception.
RH: The code behaves the same way as sequential code but goes faster if there are no side effects.
WH: What happens if there are no side effects but some of the computations throw exceptions? Which exception do you get?
RH: Any of them. There are also other implementation options here.
WH: If it's any of them, then this is not like sequential code.
WH: What exactly is a side effect? How would a programmer know that some ECMAScript construct has an internal side effect?
WH: In particular, suppose that I want to use a parallel loop to fill a big matrix with random numbers. Is calling a random number generator considered to be a side effect or not? If the answer is yes (it is a side effect), then how would one fill a big matrix with random numbers in parallel, as that is something that one would reasonably want to be able to do?
NL: Implementations of ECMAScript Internationalization API: - Microsoft has shipped it in Internet Explorer 11 beta - Opera has shipped it in Opera 15 (based on Chromium)
Sept 17-19, Boston Nov 19-21, San Jose